The 2025 First Generation Student Career Leadership Experience has been created to provide First Generation Students with a career leadership experience that is specifically geared towards helping these incredible students position themselves for career leadership success in college and beyond!
With a lack of career conferences designed specifically to meet the needs of First-Generation Students, this transformational career leadership experience provides First Generation Students with a national conference specifically for them that has been designed to empower them with career awareness, career readiness, and the professional/leadership skills needed to attain career success in college and beyond.
Over three-days, First Generation Students from across the country will not only network with other First Generation Students, hear from dynamic guest speakers who were First Generation Students, and learn from highly successful First-Generation Professionals from top tier organizations who have thrived and succeeded within their careers as First Generation Professionals, but more importantly, every program throughout the conference has been specifically designed to meet the career awareness, readiness, and development needs of First-Generation Students in an engaging, fresh, inspirational, and fun way.
To help you learn more about why people have been so excited about their experience at the First-Generation Student Career Leadership Experience over the past four years, you can download our informational packet below, check out the promotional video, and read the career conference information below.
Three Days of Valuable Career Readiness, Career Awareness, Professional Development, and Leadership Training for First-Generation Students
Access to the Virtual Recordings of every Keynote and Panel Sessions featured at the conference 60 Days After the First-Generation Student Career Leadership Experience is Complete.
Networking and Mentorship Opportunities with Successful First-Generation Professionals from Top-Tier Organizations and Companies.
Free Career Workbook, Pen, Circle of Change Bag, T-Shirt or Book, and Lunch on Friday and Saturday.
Customized Career, Professional, and Leadership Development Empowerment Workshop Sessions
Cultural Excursion Opportunities for First-Generation Students Within South Florida.
Access to Resume Reviewers, Opportunities to Attain Professional Headshots, and Career Coaching from Top Career Experts.
Lifetime Membership into the Circle of Change Emerging Leaders Alumni Group and Opportunities to Win Financial Scholarships
9:00am – 10:30am
The morning keynote speaker will provide First Generation Students with an inspirational, interactive, and engaging keynote presentation on strategic ways they can position themselves for career leadership success after graduation.
This dynamic and transformational session will not only be very inspiring, but it will provide First Generation Students with applicable and practical solutions to some of the career and leadership development challenges facing First-Generation Students and Professionals.
10:45am – 12:15pm
The Career Development Empowerment Session will feature four dynamic speakers who will share a set of career strategies that First-Generation Students can use to position themselves for career success in college and beyond.
Each of the career strategies that will be shared during this empowerment session will not only be specifically designed to meet the career development needs of First-Generation Students, but they will be applicable career strategies that First Generation Students can implement immediately.
12:15pm – 1:30pm
Lunch will be provided by the Circle of Change Leadership Team!
During this time, First-Generation Student attendees will be intentionally placed in groups to network and connect with others at the conference. We also plan to integrate interactive games during this time as well.
1:30pm – 2:00pm
The Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of intimate interviews with highly successful first-generation professionals about specific career experiences within specific areas of expertise.
The purpose of these intimate interviews is not only to provide career advice and support for First Generation Students, but it’s to help them learn about the learn about the unwritten rules of professional success within their area of expertise.
2:15pm – 2:45pm
The Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of intimate interviews with highly successful first-generation professionals about specific career experiences within specific areas of expertise.
The purpose of these intimate interviews is not only to provide career advice and support for First Generation Students, but it’s to help them learn about the learn about the unwritten rules of professional success within their area of expertise.
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Our final Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of time where First Generation Students will be able to ask different career development questions that might not have been addressed by the highly successful first-generation professionals that were interviewed during the session.
The purpose of this session is to provide First Generation Students will the opportunity to have their career development questions answered by the esteemed panelist that will be joining us at the conference.
3:30pm – 3:45pm
3:45pm – 4:30pm
The closing session will an exciting time because we will not only be giving away prizes, awards, a free copy of ‘The First-Generation Student Career Playbook’, but this will be a time for students to reflect upon the entire day and determine the specific things that they need to do to position themselves for career success in college and beyond.
4:30pm – 5:30pm
After the day is complete, First-Generation Students who desire to attain a headshot and have their book signed will have that opportunity after the conference is complete for the day.
5:30pm – 9:30pm
At the end of the day, we encourage students and professionals to explore the amazing cultural excursions that are available throughout South Florida.
Our leadership team will be providing every attendee with a list of restaurants, beaches, cultural experiences, and other fun activities that students and professionals can enjoy while they are attending the First-Generation Student Career Conference in South Florida.
9:00am – 10:30am
The morning keynote speaker will provide First Generation Students with an inspirational, interactive, and engaging keynote presentation on strategic ways to become more resilient and overcome the unique challenges that First Generation Students might face as young professionals within their area of expertise.
This dynamic and transformational session will not only be very inspiring, but it help First Generation Students prepare themselves for the challenges that they might face as young professionals after graduating from college.
10:45am – 12:15pm
The Career Leadership Development Panel will not only feature three to four top tier professionals from various areas of expertise, but these professionals will provide First Generation Students with specific career advice and insight as it relates to the specific professional area of expertise that is featured during this panel session.
Some of the professional areas of expertise that will be featured our entertainment, sports/entertainment, tech/stem, civic engagement, human resources, business, non-profit, entrepreneurship, healthcare, education, and other professional areas of expertise.
12:00pm – 1:15pm
Lunch will be provided by the Circle of Change Leadership Team!
During this time, First-Generation Student attendees will be intentionally placed in groups to network and connect with others at the conference. We also plan to integrate interactive games during this time as well.
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Do you wish you could find your own style and not waste your money trying to keep up with social media fashion trends? Do you believe that your appearance doesn’t affect your success? Well, think again! This hands-on “styleshop” will help you discover the undeniable impact of dressing professionally and presenting yourself effectively in the professional world, while still being your unique, wonderful self!
You’ll learn the importance of dressing for the occasion and get styling tips from “styleshop”experts who are there to answer your questions. Participants will not only see the transformation but also understand the role of attire in confidence, presentation, and professional success.
2:30pm – 4:15pm
The Career Leadership Development Panel will not only feature three to four top tier professionals from various areas of expertise, but these professionals will provide First Generation Students with specific career advice and insight as it relates to the specific professional area of expertise that is featured during this panel session.
Some of the professional areas of expertise that will be featured our entertainment, sports/entertainment, tech/stem, civic engagement, human resources, business, non-profit, entrepreneurship, healthcare, education, and other professional areas of expertise.
4:30pm – 5:30pm
The final session of the day will consist of a high-energy, engaging, and interactive, engaging, and awards celebration where the Circle of Change Leadership Team will not only be giving out scholarships and special awards to students within the audience, but we will celebrate advisors and professionals that have been instrumental in making a positive impact in the lives of First-Generation Students.
5:30pm – 9:30pm
At the end of the day, we encourage students and professionals to explore the amazing cultural excursions that are available throughout South Florida.
Our leadership team will be providing every attendee with a list of restaurants, beaches, cultural experiences, and other fun activities that students and professionals can enjoy while they are attending the First-Generation Student Career Conference in South Florida.
10:00am – 4:00am
The final day of the conference will take place at the beach in South Florida. This causal experience will provide conference participants with the opportunity to network with other students at the conference, engage in the exciting activities that are available at the beach, and have a fun experience on the last day of the conference.
During this time, we will rent a small area right on the beach where our conference DJ will be playing various songs throughout the day. Participants will be able to enjoy the beach, visit different stores/restaurants, ride bicycles, or engage in other fun activities that are offered at the beach.
Over three-days of transformational programming that revolves around career readiness, professional development, career awareness, and leadership success, First Generation Students from across the country will have the opportunity to learn from incredible keynote speakers and accomplished First Generation professionals from top tier companies and organizations.
Provided below are the names of a few keynote speakers and accomplished First Generation professionals from top tier companies and organizations that impacted the lives of first-generation students during past events.
The speakers and panelist that will be chosen for the 2025 First Generation Student Career Leadership Experience will be released in March of 2025!
Reyna Harvey is a first-generation student alumnus who attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience in 2017 and serves as a traffic and news anchor in the Bay Area.
When Reyna attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience, she not only won an award as a catalyst for change, but she developed skills and made connections with professionals that empowered her to thrive and succeed within her career.
Tristan Henriquez is a first-generation student alumnus who attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience in 2019 and serves as a product strategy associate at Netflix.
When Tristan attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience, he not only gained incredible wisdom from the speakers and panelists, but he leveraged the information and connections that he was able to foster at the conference to position himself for opportunities at Google, Viacom, YouTube, and Netflix.
Sparsh Saxena is a student alumnus who attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience in 2018 and serves as a product manager at Microsoft.
When Sparsh attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience, he not only took full advantage of all the educational opportunities and resources that were available to him at the conference, but he used the motivation, empowerment, and inspiration gleaned from the conference to attain an incredible career at Microsoft.
Lakysha Bloem is a student alumnus who attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience in 2018 and serves as a digital creative lead at Liongate.
When Lakysha attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience, she not only became a campus ambassador and intern within our organization, but she implemented some of the skills that she learned from the conference to position herself for career success within the entertainment industry.
Saeed Ahmad is a student alumnus who attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience in 2018 and now serves as a student admissions fellow at Harvard University Law School.
When Saeed attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience, he was not only a student leader within at his community college, but he used some of the lessons learned at the conference to attain a degree from the University of California Los Angeles and earn his acceptance into the Harvard University Law School program.
Jazmin Eusebio is a first-generation student alumnus who attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience in 2018 and now serves as a Diversity, Equity, and Belonging Program and PR Manager at Highwire.
When Jazmin attended the Circle of Change Leadership Experience, she not only served as a student intern for the conference, but she used some of the skills and connections to win awards, create a successful career within her area of expertise, and make a positive impact in the lives of future professionals.
9:00am – 10:30am
The morning keynote speaker will provide First Generation Students with an inspirational, interactive, and engaging keynote presentation on strategic ways they can position themselves for career leadership success after graduation.
This dynamic and transformational session will not only be very inspiring, but it will provide First Generation Students with applicable and practical solutions to some of the career and leadership development challenges facing First-Generation Students and Professionals.
10:45am – 12:15pm
The Career Development Empowerment Session will feature four dynamic speakers who will share a set of career strategies that First-Generation Students can use to position themselves for career success in college and beyond.
Each of the career strategies that will be shared during this empowerment session will not only be specifically designed to meet the career development needs of First-Generation Students, but they will be applicable career strategies that First Generation Students can implement immediately.
12:15pm – 1:30pm
1:30pm – 2:00pm
The Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of intimate interviews with highly successful first-generation professionals about specific career experiences within specific areas of expertise.
The purpose of these intimate interviews is not only to provide career advice and support for First Generation Students, but it’s to help them learn about the learn about the unwritten rules of professional success within their area of expertise.
2:15pm – 2:45pm
The Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of intimate interviews with highly successful first-generation professionals about specific career experiences within specific areas of expertise.
The purpose of these intimate interviews is not only to provide career advice and support for First Generation Students, but it’s to help them learn about the learn about the unwritten rules of professional success within their area of expertise.
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Our final Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of time where First Generation Students will be able to ask different career development questions that might not have been addressed by the highly successful first-generation professionals that were interviewed during the session.
The purpose of this session is to provide First Generation Students will the opportunity to have their career development questions answered by the esteemed panelist that will be joining us at the conference.
3:30pm – 4:00pm
The closing session will be a time for students to reflect upon the entire day and determine the specific things that they need to do to position themselves for career success in college and beyond.
9:00am – 10:30am
The morning keynote speaker will provide First Generation Students with an inspirational, interactive, and engaging keynote presentation on strategic ways to become more resilient and overcome the unique challenges that First Generation Students might face as young professionals within their area of expertise.
This dynamic and transformational session will not only be very inspiring, but it help First Generation Students prepare themselves for the challenges that they might face as young professionals after graduating from college.
10:45am – 12:15pm
The Career Leadership Development Panel will not only feature three to four top tier professionals from various areas of expertise, but these professionals will provide First Generation Students with specific career advice and insight as it relates to the specific professional area of expertise that is featured during this panel session.
Some of the professional areas of expertise that will be featured our entertainment, sports/entertainment, tech/stem, civic engagement, human resources, business, non-profit, entrepreneurship, healthcare, education, and other professional areas of expertise.
12:15pm – 1:15pm
Lunch will be provided by the Circle of Change Leadership Team!
During this time, First-Generation Student attendees will be intentionally placed in groups to network and connect with others at the conference. We also plan to integrate interactive games during this time as well.
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Do you wish you could find your own style and not waste your money trying to keep up with social media fashion trends? Do you believe that your appearance doesn’t affect your success? Well, think again! This hands-on “styleshop” will help you discover the undeniable impact of dressing professionally and presenting yourself effectively in the professional world, while still being your unique, wonderful self!
You’ll learn the importance of dressing for the occasion and get styling tips from “styleshop” experts who are there to answer your questions. Participants will not only see the transformation but also understand the role of attire in confidence, presentation, and professional success.
2:30pm – 4:15pm
The Career Leadership Development Panel will not only feature three to four top tier professionals from various areas of expertise, but these professionals will provide First Generation Students with specific career advice and insight as it relates to the specific professional area of expertise that is featured during this panel session.
Some of the professional areas of expertise that will be featured our entertainment, sports/entertainment, tech/stem, civic engagement, human resources, business, non-profit, entrepreneurship, healthcare, education, and other professional areas of expertise.
4:15pm – 5:00pm
The closing session will be a time for students to reflect upon the entire day and determine the specific things that they need to do to position themselves for career success in college and beyond.
The COC Leadership Conference made an incredible impact on our students! Conference speakers and session facilitators were thought – provoking, skilled and provided practical strategies and resources for all attendees. Since our initial partnership with Dr. Fredenburg and his team, our students have enthusiastically shared their COC experiences with others and continue to excel on campus.
Circle of Change has impacted thousands of first-generation students around the world, and within my years in higher education at CSUSB, CSULA, SJSU, CSUF, and USC, the students come back transformed and with a new mindset focused on making an impact in their communities.
Circle of Change gave an opportunity for our first gen students to see and hear from leaders who looked like them and had shared experiences as them. COCLC inspired our students that anything is possible and that they have the power within themselves, now, to achieve great things for themselves and for their community to advance positive change.
Working at a California Community College, I see first-hand the powerful and life-changing difference Circle of Change makes in the lives of my students…especially first-generation college students. These students return empowered, self-confident, and with a plan of action to achieve their career goals. COC is a difference-maker!
The registration cost for each student who desires to attend the 2025 First Generation Student Career and Leadership In-Person Conference will be $325.00 per student.
There is an early bird rate of $300.00 for those who register for the conference by March 1, 2025.
Colleges and Universities that register more than 10 students will receive a complimentary registration for their advisor.
Registration includes access to all the events, a workbook, a pen, free Circle of Change Leadership Bag, free book, lunch on Friday and Saturday, and access to the beach festivities that will take place on Sunday.
To register for the event, just click on the link that has been provided.
The registration cost for each student who desires to attend the 2025 First Generation Virtual Career Leadership Experience will be $200.00 per student.
There is an early bird rate of $175.00 for those who register for the conference by March 1, 2025.
Colleges and Universities that register more than 10 students will receive a complimentary registration for their advisor.
Registration includes access to all the virtual events, a digital workbook, recordings of the session 60 days afterwards, and a special digital certificate that will be awarded after the program is complete.
To register for the event, just click on the link that has been provided.
The Courtyard by Marriott Miami Aventura Mall
2825 NE 191st Street, Aventura, FL 33180
Phone Number: 305-937-0805
The Courtyard Marriott is the first hotel that we have reserved for participants who are planning to attend the 2025 First Generation Student Career Leadership Experience.
This hotel is about five to fifteen minutes from the conference location. Within walking distance of this hotel is a huge shopping mall, tons of restaurants, and a twenty-five-minute drive to the beach in Sunny Isles.
The standard rate for two queen beds or one king bedroom is $239.00 per night for those who are planning to attend the 2025 First Generation Student Career Leadership Experience.
To reserve your rooms at this discounted rate, you can click on the special link that has been provide below.
Hampton Inn Hallandale Beach-Aventura
1000 S Federal Hwy. Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
Phone Number: 954-874-1111
The Hampton Inn is the second hotel that we have reserved for participants who are planning to attend the 2025 First Generation Student Career Leadership Experience.
This hotel is about five to fifteen minutes from the conference location. Within walking distance of this hotel are tons of restaurants, a nice shopping plaza with things to do at night, and a twenty-minute drive to the beach in Sunny Isles.
The standard rate for two queen beds or one king bedroom is $199.00 per night for those who are planning to attend the 2025 First Generation Student Career Leadership Experience.
To reserve your rooms at this discounted rate, you can click on the special link that has been provide below.
If you have any additional questions related to travel and hotel accommodations, please feel free to email our leadership team anytime at