9:00am – 10:30am
The morning keynote speaker will provide First Generation Students with an inspirational, interactive, and engaging keynote presentation on strategic ways they can position themselves for career leadership success after graduation.
This dynamic and transformational session will not only be very inspiring, but it will provide First Generation Students with applicable and practical solutions to some of the career and leadership development challenges facing First-Generation Students and Professionals.
10:45am – 12:15pm
12:15pm – 1:30pm
Lunch will be provided by the Circle of Change Leadership Team!
During this time, First-Generation Student attendees will be intentionally placed in groups to network and connect with others at the conference. We also plan to integrate interactive games during this time as well.
1:30pm – 2:00pm
2:15pm – 2:45pm
The Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of intimate interviews with highly successful first-generation professionals about specific career experiences within specific areas of expertise.
The purpose of these intimate interviews is not only to provide career advice and support for First Generation Students, but it’s to help them learn about the learn about the unwritten rules of professional success within their area of expertise.
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Our final Fire-Side Career Development Chat will consist of time where First Generation Students will be able to ask different career development questions that might not have been addressed by the highly successful first-generation professionals that were interviewed during the session.
The purpose of this session is to provide First Generation Students will the opportunity to have their career development questions answered by the esteemed panelist that will be joining us at the conference.
9:00am – 10:30am
The morning keynote speaker will provide First Generation Students with an inspirational, interactive, and engaging keynote presentation on strategic ways to become more resilient and overcome the unique challenges that First Generation Students might face as young professionals within their area of expertise.
This dynamic and transformational session will not only be very inspiring, but it help First Generation Students prepare themselves for the challenges that they might face as young professionals after graduating from college.
10:45am – 12:15pm
12:00pm – 1:15pm
Lunch will be provided by the Circle of Change Leadership Team!
During this time, First-Generation Student attendees will be intentionally placed in groups to network and connect with others at the conference. We also plan to integrate interactive games during this time as well.
1:15pm – 2:15pm
2:30pm – 4:15pm
The Career Leadership Development Panel will not only feature three to four top tier professionals from various areas of expertise, but these professionals will provide First Generation Students with specific career advice and insight as it relates to the specific professional area of expertise that is featured during this panel session.
Some of the professional areas of expertise that will be featured our entertainment, sports/entertainment, tech/stem, civic engagement, human resources, business, non-profit, entrepreneurship, healthcare, education, and other professional areas of expertise.
4:30pm – 5:30pm
The final session of the day will consist of a high-energy, engaging, and interactive, engaging, and awards celebration where the Circle of Change Leadership Team will not only be giving out scholarships and special awards to students within the audience, but we will celebrate advisors and professionals that have been instrumental in making a positive impact in the lives of First-Generation Students.